A Skeletor Christmas Story

I like to watch cartoons to fall asleep at night. During the holidays, I watch all the “very special” Christmas episodes. Everyone from the Super Mario Brothers to the Men In Black is trying to help Santa bring joy to all the kids watching at home. Everyone, that is, except Skeletor. 

He-Man’s arch nemesis travels to Earth to capture the Christmas spirit for his boss, but ends up infected with it himself. After his vehicle is shot down on a snowy mountain, Skeletor must escort his child prisoners on foot. Along the way, the children explain the warm and fuzzy feeling of a Christmas morning to an utterly bewildered villain. Despite his illest intentions for the little hostages, Skeletor gives them coats when they are cold, rest when they are tired, and even defends them from a rampaging snow-beast. When the children thank “Mr. Skeletor” for his many kindnesses, he has an existential crisis and flips his shit. Starts yelling that he’s not nice! He’s soooo EVIL! And yet, when the moment of truth arrives, Skeletor turns on his master and sets the children free in defiance of his orders. Disgusted with his own selfless actions, Skeletor begs the heroes to tell him “Why am I acting this way? What is WRONG with me?” He is very relieved to hear that Christmas only comes once a year.

Although it’s fairly common for cartoon villains to steal the show, especially in Christmas episodes, Skeletor’s anti-arc is a hilariously unique reversal of the typical tropes. The holiday spirit compels him to be kind and charitable to children and small animals despite his vocal resistance. Unlike Ebenezer Scrooge, Skeletor learns no valuable lessons and emerges from his ordeal completely unchanged. He is eager to resume his nefarious schemes as soon as all this Christmas nonsense is over. And I think that’s a valuable lesson for the kids, too. Just because that big mean jerk that makes your life difficult cut you a break over the holidays, it doesn’t mean they’ve miraculously turned over a new leaf. Sure, the Christmas spirit can bring out the best in everyone, but it can’t change who they are. Come New Year’s Day, Skeletor will be wreaking havoc on Eternia once again. A fun and unexpected twist on the usual Christmas adventure.


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